1st Field Trip of the 2015-2016 ARA School Year!

Being first in good things is, well, good. So when the school-wide trip to Niagara Falls was postponed, by default we were moved to the first trip takers of the year slot.

The First 8th grade Field Trip of the 2015-2016 School Year
A Guided Social Studies Research Project at the Buffalo & Erie County’s Central Library
When: Fri, December 4th 2015, 10:15p – 11:45p
Why: 8th graders must complete a research project on the Buffalo Bill Wild West show. In the research assignment they must:
• Explain the role of Sitting Bull in the show
• Explain how this show contributed to the “Wild West” image/stereotype
• Demonstrate their ability to find the materials they need using the library catalog and call number system
• Produce a bibliography or reference page
Cost: $4 each student for transportation and copies

Parent-Teacher’s Conference this Friday 11/27

As Salaamu alaikum dear parents,

November 27th is the date set for parent-teacher conferences. Please reserve a 15 minute meeting spot by texting your preference to teacher’s cell phone or leaving a message in the comment box.
Meeting time begins at 8 and ends at 12.

Jazaakum Allahu khayr

Ustath S. Ali

End of the 1st Academic Quarter at ARA

Dear parents,

No homework will be given from November 6 – November 13 as these days mark the end of the first academic quarter. Teachers will be using these days to tally final scores and fill out report cards. Anyone wishing to meet with his/her child’s teacher should contact them directly or call the school phone number. I will be available to discuss your son’s progress on November 11. (Note: report cards may not be ready for distribution on that date.)

Sincerely/al mukhlis,

Ustath Shaheed Ali

Walking Test-takers

Have you ever heard of a walking test-taker? Us neither…until today. 7th graders (and their teacher) here in Western NY realized the weather outside was magnificent today and realized that not taking the opportunity to enjoy it would be inexcusable. Only problem was they had a quarter final to take. So they had to take it…take it with them outside! And just like that, the walking test-takers were born!

